Unity Engine
Photoshop CC

Project Starfall is an arcade 2D game where the main goal is to survive the longest possible avoiding being hit by the evil aliens or the fast asteroids falling from the sky.

Platform: Browser


This project started as a challenge to make a simple and funny video game from scratch where I could explore interesting game development concepts such as the game feel or the game juice.

The original idea of Project Starfall was inspired by the LUDUM DARE games of Brakeys (LUDUM DARE 38) and Blackthornprod (LUDUM DARE 40).

When working on this game, I wanted players to feel like they were playing a retro arcade game but slightly different thanks to my personal touch. For that reason, Project Starfall mixes a retro pixel art style with a glow shader effect that makes the game look futuristic and retro simultaneously.

• Coded a glow shader to add a futuristic and fresh style to the game.

• Used particle systems to create explosion and fire simulations.

• Designed and coded the gameplay mechanics.

• Implemented the enemy AI (Finite State Machines).

• Designed and implemented an original User Interface.

• Created all the art assets with a pixel art style.

• Created all the sound effects (but the music).

Main Menu